Facial Rejuvenation: Relaxing, Beautifying & Healing

Wash. Tone. Spritz. Moisturize. Traditional skin care alone cannot effectively address drooping facial muscles, wrinkles, uneven color and changing texture of our skin as we age.

Acupuncture stimulates and attracts the body’s own energy to the face. Facial rejuvenation treatments improve circulation & bring more blood supply to the face, providing a bright complexion, firm muscles, and strong, elastic skin.

As we age, our skin loses moisture and cells, and our cells regenerate at a slower rate.

Though topically applied cosmetic skin care products promise miracles, they can’t effectively address drooping facial muscles and the deeper causes of aging skin.

The result is increased skin tone and elasticity for a more radiant, youthful appearance.

We make our own natural herbal products for topical application to keep your face looking its best after treatment. Even if you are planning future cosmetic surgery, facial rejuvenation can keep your skin looking bright, elastic, and youthful for many years.

Acupuncture and herbal cosmetics used in facial rejuvenation give a lift to your skin, reduce wrinkles, tighten the fibers below the surface of the skin, and smooth your overall color tone.

QIGLOW® is our signature beauty treatment. It is a cosmetic treatment therapy for:

  • A more youthful appearance without the expense or side effects of drug or invasive methods such as Botox or surgical facelift
  • Healing facial skin conditions such as rosacea and hyperpigmentation
  • Clearing blemishes, severe acne, and infected lesions
  • Maintaining healthy skin
  • Softening the appearance of deep wrinkles and eliminating small wrinkles
  • Brightening skin tone and tightening facial skin

Even if you are planning a future surgical face-lift, the QIGLOW® treatment can keep your skin looking bright, elastic, and youthful for many years.

A full treatment protocol is ten sessions, twice per week, after which a monthly supportive session is recommended.

A woman getting her hair cut at the salon

Herbal Oil Treatment

With each QiGlow treatment, we use oils infused with Chinese herbs and made exclusively for Heavenly Bodies Clinic. The herbs have antiseptic, antifungal, cellular regeneration properties. The herbs are chosen for their ability to promote Qi and blood circulation, and open the meridians.

Call us at (571) 499-9293


Dr. Ana and her colleagues have seen me through serious health and emotional issues and have kept me so that I am well able to meet the ongoing challenges that life, personal and work, bring. I would not be as healthy as I am today without the care, and the personal concern for my wellbeing that all the therapists from Heavenly Bodies Clinic.

- Susan (50 yrs.), Depression

A woman holding a baby in her arms.

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