Chinese Herbs Treat Cancer

by Dr. Ana
At the same time that I was listening to the final video in Series Two of “The Truth About Cancerâ€, an email arrived with the “alarming findings†that a drug that is commonly recommended for patients with chemotherapy induced anemia actually causes cancer.
The article ends by saying the cancer causing treatment for anemia in cancer patients is “still a viable alternative†as long as patients are told that the drug causes cancer.
For a doctor to reason that a cancer causing treatment is a viable recommendation for someone with cancer is almost too confusing to wrap your mind around.
The Hippocratic Oath is not “It’s o.k. to do harm if you first inform your patient.â€
The Truth About Cancer series gives viable alternatives for cancer treatments that are based in natural remedies. Most of the interviews are with medical and health professionals but there are many interviews with patients who share their stories of struggling through chemo and radiation before turning to natural healing.
It’s absolutely riveting to hear these patients describe the life changes that their cancer diagnosis brought, the debilitating effects of chemo and radiation, their great joy in living and and conquering cancer when they switched to natural healing, and their immense appreciation for the healers who helped them back to health.
Many of the natural treatments include Chinese herbs that have a long history of building your own immune system in the treatment of severe disease.
Reishi Mushroom: Lingshi
Cordyseps Mushroom: Dong Chong
Angelica: Dong Gui
Astragalus: Huang Qi
And all of the natural treatment programs include a diet rich in foods that aid the digestive system in the form of pre-biotics, probiotics, and detoxing agents.
Dark Greens: Parsley, kale, dandelion greens
Fruits: apples, lime, lemon, carrots
Root Vegetables: beets, burdock root, parsnips, ginger
Herbs: garlic, curcumin, cinnamon
It’s fascinating to listen to the wealth of knowledge that is readily available for natural treatments, and it’s easy to incorporate these immune system treatments into your daily life before you get a devastating diagnosis!
We are experts in the use of acupuncture to treat emotional pain, chronic back and neck pain; acupuncture to treat infertility; acupuncture for weight loss; acupuncture detox cleansing; cosmetic acupuncture; and Thai massage. Our Arlington-based Northern Virginia acupuncture clinic has openings every day for new patients.  Contact us today.

Call us at (571) 499-9293
At 40 my husband and I were excited to start a family and while we knew it might not be easy, we were hopeful that we could conceive naturally. When it didn't happen immediately, Dr. Ana encouraged us to not give up on our dream, and kept us hopeful. To our absolute delight and surprise, after 18 months I conceived! The pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum were healthy times and our one-year old Gracie is our greatest treasure.