Patients' Words, Our Joy

Nothing makes us smile more than reading the wonderful comments from our patients.

Let us help you! Contact us or call (571) 499-9293 to schedule an appointment.

At 40 my husband and I were excited to start a family and while we knew it might not be easy, we were hopeful that we could conceive naturally. When it didn't happen immediately, Dr. Ana encouraged us to not give up on our dream, and kept us hopeful. To our absolute delight and surprise, after 18 months I conceived! The pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum were healthy times and our one-year old Gracie is our greatest treasure.

- Cynthia (43 yrs.), Fertility

Weekly treatment made my teenage son happier and better able to handle his diagnosis of ADD. Dr. Tammy became our go-to person for help handling the strains of those years. Through treatment with Dr. Tammy, he learned to have calmer and more responsible interactions with teachers and coaches. To this day at his jobs he is respectful to co-workers and bosses and is considered an asset to his work teams. The fact that those teenage years didn't ruin his ability to be successful in life, is completely to the credit of Dr. Tammy. She's a miracle worker!

- Tania talking about her son, Charlie (15 yrs.), ADD

Dr. Ana and her colleagues have seen me through serious health and emotional issues and have kept me so that I am well able to meet the ongoing challenges that life, personal and work, bring. I would not be as healthy as I am today without the care, and the personal concern for my wellbeing that all the therapists from Heavenly Bodies Clinic.

- Susan (50 yrs.), Depression

My first treatment with Dr. Ana was for a really bad MRSA infection causing severe neck pain and stiffness. After a month of no results and worsening pain using expensive prescription creams and pain pills, a friend recommended I least talk to Dr. Ana. I got an acupuncture treatment and topical herbs and an hour later was nearly pain free! That was an absolute miracle that allowed me to get back to work, drive safely and carry on with good humor through all the tasks of a working mom of three. Now I know to "at least talk" to Dr. Tammy or Dr. Ana before I struggle with any situation, physical, mental or emotional, in my life.

- Kelly (38 yrs) MRSA infection; severe neck pain

After I had my first baby I had gained so much weight that I also suffered from depression. I joined the food, exercise and health coaching program at HBC and after six months I was fifty-five pounds lighter! At conferences a year later, people who knew me well didn't recognize me until they heard me speak, and then they were speechless!

- Sharon (38 yrs.), Weight loss

Call us at (571) 499-9293

A woman holding a baby in her arms.

Clinic Babies

We understand that your journey to fertility is unique…

Patients Win with Acupuncture & Detox